Thursday, August 28, 2008

Hiccuping Vampires

Did anyone notice that its like impossible to find a decent vampire film nowadays? What happened to the ones with romance in them? But like, the slightly twisted romance, like in Dracula 2000? Or even better, Queen of the Damned. Am I even making sense to anyone?

I have had the hiccups for three days. I am not exaggerating. My ribs and my shoulders are so sore, I wince with every jolt. If been popping ibuprofen in a mad frenzy, but it still hurts.
In other news, my best and I went to this little place on the water I've been wanting to go to forever. Its called Harbor Lights. Its very quaint and old-fashioned and not at all trendy. I love it. They have the best cod and chips I've ever tasted. Which makes me realize, I have not eaten yet today and I am STARVING.

I'll update later. I think. I hope.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Thoughts on Not Thinking

I have discovered that I love sleep.

Okay, I kind of knew that. I mean, I sleep all the time. But today, I really slept all day. I went to bed at eleven last night and didn't get up until one o clock. And then I slept from three-thirty until five thirty. Some people may call this an unhealthy obsession. I would have to agree with them.

I think I may have figured out why. It may be because, while I'm sleeping, I don't have to worry about anything. Not college, not the future, not what I'm going to do for the rest of the day. I'm just blissfully unaware. Add to that the fact that I have very vivid dreams (often featuring my current celebrity crush in my favorite role) and its no wonder I never want to get up. I'm living great. But, see, there lies the problem.

I'm not living. I'm existing in a half-state between the reality I want and the reality I need to be making. So starting now, I will sleep less. I will exist. I will do more than exist, I will live.

Even if it means less time with Johnathon Schaech.